South Eastern Evolution and Human Behavior (SEEHB)
Welcome to the South Eastern Evolution and Human Behavior group! This group was founded in 2017 by Sarah Brosnan and Adrian Jaeggi to bring together people working on evolution and human behavior broadly defined - primatologists, paleoanthropologists, archeologists, human behavioral ecologists, cultural evolutionists, evolutionary modelers, evolutionary psychologists, etc. are all welcome. This is a small regional meeting: our goal is to bring together people from the South East (roughly, Georgia, Alabama, the Carolinas, Florida, Tennessee) in a small, friendly setting to facilitate connections and informal exchange among like-minded researchers and students. The previous meetings were attended by 50-75 people from Tennessee, Georgia State, UGA, Emory, KSU, Clemson, FIT, and more, and featured talks by faculty, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate students. See here for the SEEHB (2017), SEEHB2 (2018), SEEHB3 (spring 2019) and SEEHB4 (fall 2019) programs (and see below for photos!).
Fantastic news! SEEHB5 is BACK ON for October 21st, 2022!! Please contact Olivia Reilly at for more information or to reserve a spot to present a talk or poster. We look forward to seeing you soon at Indian Creek for a spectacular SEEHB5!
The general format of the SEEHB conference is presentations, social time, a long lunch (with time to mingle and socialize!), and a poster session hosted at the Indian Creek Lodge of Georgia State on Friday. We always start Friday with a chance for everyone to briefly introduce themselves with a 1-2 minute lightning slide. In addition, everyone is encouraged to present a poster, especially students who may not be ready for a talk, but still want to get feedback on their work. We start with a dinner on Thursday night so that everyone can get to know one another over food and drinks. SEEHB is open to anyone who is interested, from undergraduates to senior scholars, and we always welcome non-academics.
We aim to keep registration costs to a bare minimum to encourage wide participation; the venue is sponsored by the Language Research Center of GSU, so we will just need enough to cover food and drinks. In addition, we kindly ask all locals to consider hosting out-of-town students to make it more affordable.
If you have any additional questions, please email Sarah Brosnan.
Many thanks to this year’s steering committee, who are bringing it all together! They include Sarah Brosnan (GSU), Olivia Tomeo Reilly (GSU), Marcela Benitez (Emory), and Brett Frye (Emory & Henry College).
Pictures from SEEHB2 in 2018!